Welcome to the Warrick County School Corporation Recruit and Hire site. In order to be considered for any positions you must have an on-line application. All open jobs are posted on this site. Paper postings are still placed in all WCSC buildings. You must apply for each position individually. Your profile data will be saved, and you may update your profile and resume any time. A maximum of 6 documents may be submitted. (limited by file formats and file sizes permitted) Teacher and Administrator applicants should attach a copy of their license and transcripts. (PDF preferred)
To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications.
Please be sure and remember your username and password for use on future applications.
If you wish to receive email notifications whenever jobs are posted, please use the "Signup For Job Alerts" link on the menu on the right.
Any part-time position can qualify for benefits if you also become a bus driver. Contact Transportation at (812) 897-0495 for more information.